Sunday, January 22, 2017

Hover Camera:Super cool idea, but there is one main reason I won’t buy it

hover camera

Hover Camera is aiming for selfies about $600.Worth it?

“I was thinking Hover Camera could be interesting for say group photos (after hike etc) or for videos where one participates in a sports event or say to take a video of climbing up the last little bit of a mountain peak, a team running by, etc. But there are probably more use cases once we understand how it really works.

USD $600 is a bit steep for just another camera though.

Also looks like it would only do close shots well give the size of the lens.”

“It lasts about 7 minutes. Probably too small for much longer. I also don’t see it working outdoor in windy conditions very well due to the small size of body + rotors, which probably also means it’s not the fastest.”

“My only reservation is if Hover Camera things are a bit like tampons, i.e. the ads. kinda imply that you’re going to turn into some kind of super outdoors adventure type if you buy one…and stick it up your whatever…(joke intended Hull/HC)

I bought a Garmin VIRB a couple of years back and stuck it on my helmet (I’m a mountain biker) and I have hours of video of flat trail. It seems so much more technical when you’re riding it!”

“This is amazing, the portability factor is a huge advantage over other drones. This can easily be brought on a hike and stowed in a camelbak.”

“Great first model! Put out a model for $1500+ targeting the videographer market with more dynamic range, faster rolling shutter, & recording in a LOG format and Hover Camera will make a KILLING. Somehow manage to record in a raw format on top of that and you guys will suddenly jump to being a new power player in the video scene. I promise you.”

“Super cool idea, but there is one main reason I won’t buy it, the video quality is pretty bad compared to the Karma drone or Mavic Pro. If you look at some of the footage on their website you’ll see what I mean. Most of the footage on YouTube was recorded by a different drone. Once they come out with a better quality camera, then I would consider it, IT’S SUCH A COOL IDEA! The other concern I have with this Hover Camera design is that if you have long hair and because you’re most likely going to launch it from your hands, I could see hair getting caught up in the propellers, … maybe.”

So will you go with the Hover Camera Passport at $599 or add $399 more to get the more powerful and feature-packed DJI Mavic Pro? But if you love capturing your own image, and want to put an aerial spin on your selfies, the Hover Camera looks like a promising option for narcissists with deep pockets.

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